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VYHLEDÁNO V TITULCÍCH: počet nalezených příspěvků: 1

Biophysics Of action potential & Synapse

Biophysics Of Action Potential & Synapse

Depolarization, repolarization, hyperpolarization, action potential – the shape, mechanisms, refractory periods, propagation of action potential (continual spreading, saltatory conduction), electrical stimulation – rheobase, chronaxy, graded potential, synapse, neurotransmitter, mechanisms of transmission receptors (ionotropic vs. metabotropic), EPSP, IPSP, summation (temporal, spatial), convergence, divergence.

autor: Ivan Poliaček, Ján Jakuš | JLF UK v Martine | disciplína: Biofyzika | kategorie: Lectures, Presentations | klíčová slova: synapse, action potential | příloh: 1 | zobrazeno: 3557x | publikováno: 10. 11. 2010 | poslední úpravy: 19. 5. 2011

VÝSLEDKY NALEZENÉ VE FULLTEXTU: počet nalezených příspěvků: 4 | počet nalezených příspěvků na BRÁNĚ: 5

Biophysics Of Muscle Contraction
.. T tubules, sarcoplasmic reticulum, muscle fiber action potential. Muscle contraction and its control.. .. junction, acetylcholine, end-plate potential. T tubules, sarcoplasmic reticulum, muscle fiber.. .. citlivé [?] Licencia BIOPHYSICS OF MUSCLE CONTRACTION 10.11.2010 7.54 MB registered user –..

Biophysics of heart and circulation
.. Hearth - Source of Electric Biopotentials. Action Potential of Sinoatrial Node and Prepotential... .. as a source of biopotentials. Heart as a pump. Blood flow in..

Biophysics of perception, receptors, vision
.. perception. Reflex arc. Local response and Action potencial. Coding of sensory information on..

The Use of the Er:YAG Laser 2940 nm in complex caries removal
.. of laser physics and laser-tissues interaction for specific wavelength is required to predict.. .. the hard tissues preparation. Laser: The interaction of the erbium family lasers with the hard dental.. .. laser user should keep in mind the benefits and potential complications using the laser. Safety rules..